turkey stew

It took me 12 minutes to get home from work yesterday, and an extra three to change out of my work clothes, wrap myself in a blanket and turn on Gilmore Girls. I allowed myself this leisure because I had gotten up at 5:45 that morning and sleepily went to the gym (which was surprisingly not packed), showered and got dressed and was early for work. The day before I made this turkey stew, so dinner was already prepared = winning. And then today I ignored my alarm and overslept by an hour and half, just making it to work on time.


Moving on. Its finally cold here so I feel more justified eating soups and stews, something we eat all the time anyway, but they add a level of comfort to our old and drafty house that is much needed in the colder temps.

Also, did you really make it if you didn’t take a picture of it? Because that’s what happened here. I made a stew and didn’t awkwardly and artfully pose pictures of it for you. But it happened, I promise, and it was really great, and even better the second day. You can substitute the turkey with any meat here, or even use lentils or beans and vegetable broth to make it vegetarian. Its the perfect soup to help you stick to your new years healthy resolutions, especially on days where you get “extra” sleep and forego the gym.

Turkey Stew
serves 6-8

1 pound ground turkey
2 tablespoon olive oil
2 medium yellow onions, chopped
4 large carrots, scrubbed and chopped small
5-6 celery sticks, tops removed, scrubbed and chopped small
6 ounce can of tomato paste
4 cups (more or less) chicken stock
1 teaspoon turmeric powder
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon paprika
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
salt and pepper to taste
Goat cheese, to serve
Chips or crusty bread, to serve

In a medium pan, brown the turkey until cooked through, set aside.

In a medium soup pot, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add the onions, and cook till translucent, about 10 minutes. Add the carrots, then the celery, as you chop them. Cover and cook for another 10 or so minutes, until the carrots are tender/can be pierced with a fork. Add the vinegar, salt and pepper and spices, cook for 1 minute more.

Add the stock (you can also add the turkey, but see the next step first), let simmer for about 20 minutes. At this point, I used my immersion blender to pulse the vegetables, leaving a few chunky pieces, because I like my stews a little smoother and not just chunks of vegetables. Feel free to skip this step. Add the turkey, let simmer for another 15-20 minutes. Its ready to eat now, but the longer it simmers the better the flavors will be. Its even better the next day. Serve garnished with goat cheese and crusty bread or tortilla chips. Enjoy!

2 favorite breakfasts

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I think I’ve had a serious case of writer’s block lately, but there has been so much holiday merriment and other distractions that this space is often the first to get neglected. We got through the flurry of Christmas but it felt emotionally/mentally like a snowstorm. Lots of travelling, family, niece and nephew play times, late night Star Wars screenings, nights spent not in my bed (first world problems, I know), trips to the local bakery, eating all the food, and some really lovely conversations with family. Christmas with our loved ones was fun and sweet, but it was in a large concentrated dose over a small period of time that left my head feeling fuzzy and reaching for the 4th and unfortunately 5th cup of coffee, daily. Physically, our holiday was the exact opposite of a snowstorm with highs in the 80s! and lots of short sleeves and blooming roses (see above) and air conditioning. Such is life in the deep south, I suppose.

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Breakfast #1

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a deep breath / risotto

I discovered that October, November, and most of the December we’ve had so far has passed me by in an over-caffeinated, sleep-deprived haze. You see, I work the regular 8-5 type job, but for some reason I decided to take some classes this semester. Maybe it was 10 hours of classes. And I also decided to take the GRE, not once, but twice, because apparently I’m a glutton for punishment.


mushrooms, whole

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nothing to see here / stuff that’s not edible

It’s November.

my favorite fall drink, the brown sugar latte from Cups

my favorite fall drink, the brown sugar latte from Cups. There’s been a lot of coffee in November.

You knew that, probably, because it’s been November for eleven whole days. The season of frenzied baking and cooking is upon us, but I don’t have a lot to show for it. I’m hoping to change that this weekend and bring you my favorite pizza recipe, but it’s getting harder and harder to predict the future these days, so we’ll see.

In the absence of edible things, here’s some of the internet and etc. to look at / watch / listen to that I enjoy and I’m passing along to you, because not everything has to be about eating, right? (except maybe it does because a lot of these are food related links).

I love this blogger, Joy the Baker. I love her humor, her food and non-food related writing (give us more!) and we seem to be on the same brain wave about cats, pie, and how social media is not real life (so can we please all just learn how to make eye contact and be adults?). Plus she lives in New Orleans (I’m not a stalker, it’s on her blog) and she likes all the food that I like so, we can be best friends, right?
My favorite recent gems from Joy:
How food seems to always taste better when someone else makes it for you (Can I get an amen?) and food things to buy instead of make yourself
Flaky Apple Dumplings with Salted Maple Caramel – you bet I’ll be making these over Christmas

One of my favorite things while cooking is having the right music playing. Here is my current fall playlist:
Love Love Love – Of Monsters and Men
You’re the One I Want – Chris and Thomas
Fare Thee Well (Dink’s Song) – Oscar Issac and Marcus Mumford (Note here: this is from the soundtrack of Inside Llewyn Davis, which wasn’t my favorite movie, but worth it to see Justin Timberlake play a folk singer. Good soundtrack)
Exhibition Blues – Solarists
Miss Misery – Elliot Smith
The Parting Glass – The Wailin’ Jennys
Goshen – Beirut
I Need My Girl – The National
Take Me Home, Country Roads – Brandi Carlile and Emmylou Harris version
Eyes – Rogue Wave
Falling for Me – JOHNNYSWIM
The Trapeze Swinger – Iron and Wine
The Wine We Drink – Drew Holcomb and the Neighbors

This. Article. It fascinates me how our culture now documents everything. And its even more fascinating how its affecting our brains, and it’s not always a good thing. I’m sure there will be lots of science on this in the future.

I love spaghetti, and these meatballs are on my to-make list.

Happy Wednesday-ing!

zucchini quiche / know your farmer / eat the summer

scene from the farm

scene from the farm

One summer during college (photos above and below), I spent 6 weeks on a farm as a live-in volunteer. There I learned how to plant a garden, lay down drip tape, dig post holes and set up an electric fence, heard and milk goats, and that I never want a composting toilet in my own home. There were days when I got up before 6AM for milk duty, and one special weekend where we harvested honey. Every day at noon, the entire work crew would meet up for lunch and share a meal together. Everyone was sweaty and disgusting and electrolyte deprived, and it was one of the most enjoyable times of my life. Most importantly, a lot of what we ate came from the ground just a few yards away from the kitchen. Everybody living there was working towards common goals: the running of the farm, the health of the goats, and helping people learn how to grow food to feed the hungry.


baby goat (kid) on the farm

It helped me learn just how important it is to know who and where your food comes from. Farmers work really, really hard to grow and raise their produce and livestock. Supporting local farms isn’t just a hipster trend, it’s important to the local economy and agriculture. This isn’t a forum where I want to preach or get political, so I’ll be brief: When you buy eggs from your local farmer, you know he treated those chickens with love and respect. You also know the name of his wife and his sweet grandchildren. When you buy produce from the farm a few miles north, you get to know that farmers name, his favorite crop, if the cicadas are causing trouble, and see pictures of their adorable children. You know they work long, hard, hot days to bring fresh, healthy, beautiful food to feed you and your family. And that they care what goes in your body, because they are putting the same food in their own body, and the bodies of their loved ones. And you get to be their friend. Which is why it’s important to know how to cook food (and cook it deliciously) when it’s in season, so you can enjoy it and support your local farmer!

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salted caramel apple pie / welcome to pie town / why blogging?


Almost a year ago, we travelled to Chicago for the first time. We were visiting some friends from college and we packed in as many activities as possible in three short days. We went to the art museum, saw an MLS game, had the classic pizza. But my favorite part of the trip was when we visited Bang Bang! Pie and Biscuits and it was a religious experience wrapped in buttery crust and flaky biscuit dough. Their basic premise is this: pie and biscuits. So simple. But they gussie up their treats to be savory and sweet and seasonal and they also have staples that are always on the menu. I got a mixed berry pie with streusel topping and a pasta and sausage hand pie (!!) with pickled onions on the side. We arrived early and there was already a line forming outside and around the block. To accompany the top notch food, everyone who worked there was so kind, and they greet you with such excitement! It was really hard for me to refrain from asking them to be my new best friend and disciple me in their pie and biscuit ways.

Bang Bang Pie and Biscuits!

bang bang pie and biscuits!

After our trip, I became like a woman obsessed with pies. Who else out there is baking delicious pies, and how do I get to them? Enter: the Elsen sisters. A recent family vacation took us to New York City, which meant I had to visit Four and Twenty Blackbirds. Four and Twenty Blackbirds (that name!! so cool!) is a pie shop that opened in Brooklyn, New York in 2010. It was started by two sisters who grew up eating delicious home baked goods (specifically pies) hand crafted by their grandmother and other matriarchal family members. They both left non-baking careers to bring about a wildly successful pie shop to one of the most influential cities in the world. They also published a cookbook in fall of 2013, and it became an instant favorite in my cookbook library.

Four and Twenty Blackbirds Pie!!

strawberry streusel at four and twenty blackbirds

I dove into their writings and recipes and started a pie baking frenzy, which eventually morphed into the dream of opening my own pie shop. Of course it wouldn’t be anything hard to open a pie shop of my own. People open restaurants all the time! No way did it matter that I didn’t have any restaurant or professional baking experience! Nor did it matter that I didn’t have any extra cash to open up a restaurant, because how much do you really need anyway? All of these were minuscule details, enforced by two positive eating experiences and a deep need to flex my own creative muscles.

Me, really excited about pie in Brooklyn

me, way too excited to be eating pie

Spoiler alert: This is NOT about my plans to open up a pie shop. After reading Delancy (which is lovely and endearing), I was equal parts inspired and terrified to start a restaurant venture. (Molly paints such a sweet picture of their restaurant, though, are you guys hiring people with no experience? haha) Plus: hello reality! Starting a small business takes waaaaaayyy more capital than I happen to have laying around. However, like the Elsen sisters, I’ve wavered from my original career path and to find an outlet in cooking and baking. I’ve found the satisfaction that comes with a clear start and finish, tread weary line between scientific perfectionism and artistry, and experienced the loving friendship that develops when you share the food you make with others.

empty pie shell

So the next chapter in the pie chronicles has lead me to food blogging. It’s an outlet to keep me creatively accountable and push my limits of trying new things. Here I hope to share recipes that I’ve found to be delicious and simple, along with a few originals. We usually eat whole, nutritious foods at our house, which I know looks different for everybody, but I think I can safely say that doesn’t include daily doses of pie. I’m attempting to make this a creative space, to share food ideas and make new friends who love creating food and the ways it can bring people together! I’ll try to provide an honest picture of what our food life actually looks like, which means there won’t be just pie, because man cannot live on buttery crust alone (sigh).

apples ready for pie

Having said that, before we segue into the world of whole eating, here is a recipe from the Four and Twenty Blackbirds cookbook, that I modified and made patriotic for the recent 4th of July holiday. (I’m actually going to attempt to bake my way through their pie book, and I’ll record most of my attempts here, so pie will actually be a recurrent theme) I’ve made it several times, and this is my first adaptation from the original recipe. This is one of the pies we sampled while in NYC, and I can happily report that it tasted just like the ones I’ve made at home. Their cookbook feels really thorough, their recipes seem to have been tested into perfection, without being so complicated that a beginner can’t bake from their writing.

caramel goodness

strudel topping

I added a streusel topping instead of the traditional lattice crust topping, and then added star shaped pieces of pie crust to the top, because why choose when you can have both? It was a hit, and my husband had the leftovers for breakfast the next day, and for the dessert the day after because apparently : “it’s a holiday”.

before baking

Salted Caramel Apple Pie with Star and Streusel Topping, adapted from Four and Twenty Blackbirds Cookbook

1 recipe all-butter crust (see here)

Roll out half of one batch of all-butter crust to about 1/8 in thick, and line a 9-inch pan with the dough. There should be a generous amount of dough hanging over the sides of the pie pan, at least 1 inch all around. Combine 1 teaspoon all-purpose flour and 1 teaspoon granulated sugar, and sprinkle on the bottom of the crust. This is a neat trick from the Elsen sisters, it helps keep the bottom of the crust from getting too soggy with fruit pies. Refrigerate the crust until needed.

Roll out the second half of your dough into 1/8 inch think. Cut into any shape you desire, I did a variety of star shapes. If you have any leftover pie crust, you can do this to it. Set aside.

For the Caramel:

1/4 cup water

1/4 pound (1 stick) of unsalted butter, cubed

1 cup of granulated sugar

1/2 cup of heavy cream

Pinch of kosher salt

Whisk the water and sugar together in a medium saucepan and cook over medium heat until the sugar is dissolved. Add the butter and simmer (a slow, rolling boil), stirring occasionally, until it turns a deep, golden brown. Remove from the heat and slowly add the cream while whisking – careful, it will bubble and steam. Whisk well, and then stir in a pinch of kosher salt.

For the Streusel Topping:

1 cup all-purpose flour

3 tablespoons packed light brown sugar

1 tablespoon granulated sugar

1/4 teaspoon kosher salt

6 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into cubes, at room temp

Stir together the first 4 ingredients in a large bowl. Add the butter and mix/mash with a fork, then work together with your hands. The butter should be well incorporated throughout. Chill until needed.

For the Pie:

Preheat your oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Place your oven rack in the bottom position.

2 tablespoon granulated sugar

Juice of 2 lemons

6-7 medium baking apples (I used a mix of Gala and Granny Smith), approximately 2 1/2 pounds

1/3 cup of raw sugar

1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon

1/4 teaspoon of ground allspice

1/4 teaspoon of freshly grated nutmeg

1/4 teaspoon of kosher salt

1 grind of fresh black pepper

2 tablespoons of all-purpose flour

1 egg + 1 tablespoon water, whisked together.

Core, peel and thinly slice your apples. (or! use this handy machine! it also does potatoes!!) Toss the apple slices in a large bowl with the lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Set aside the apples, to soften and release their juices for about 20-30 minutes. Drain the excess juice before continuing.

In a small bowl, mix the raw sugar and spices together. Gently fold the spice mixture into the apples. Next, spoon the apples into the prepared pie crust. Press down with your hands to tightly pack in the fruit. Pour 1/2 to 2/3 cup of the caramel sauce over the apple mixture. Add your streusel topping and press down, packing the streusel into the fruit. Crimp the edges of your pie dough, using this technique. From here you can add your star dough to the top, or whatever shape you used. Brush with the egg wash (self tanner for dough). Sprinkle the tops of the stars with extra raw sugar.

Drape a piece of tin foil over the pie(this keeps the crust from browning too quickly). Place the pie plate on a rimmed baking sheet, and bake for 20-25 minutes (it took 25 in my oven) then turn the oven temp down to 375 degree F, remove the foil, move the pie to the center of the oven, and bake for 30-40 more minutes, until deep golden brown and the pie is bubbly and some of the juices are trying to escape. The apples should be tender, but not mushy.

Allow the pie to cool for at least 2-3 hours before cutting. This will help keep the filling in each piece of pie and give structure to your slices. This will keep at room temp for 2 days, or in the fridge for 3, or so I hear.

easy pesto / eating more summer

Pesto is one of those things that I always thought was super fancy. As in, you’re super fancy if you know how to make it. Before I got really into cooking, I had no idea how it was made. I assumed it was one of those unreachable foodie things that normal people don’t make at home, like mayonnaise or sandwich bread.


Sure, pesto can be fancy. My first time eating at The Domenica  (go there! eat all the things!) we ordered this date and walnut pesto with fresh ricotta and garlic buttered toasts and it changed me. This is what eating is all about! was my thought after tasting it. It was decadent and delicious and I felt fancy and like a super adult after eating it (I know, calm down). I’ve since tried several times to make it at home, and I can’t quite seem to get there. It remains out of my reach, for now.

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i-woke-up-like-this cake / flourless chocolate torte


You know how in movies, and maybe sometimes in real life, a lady will show up dressed in something cute, looking Veela status amazing, get complimented on it, then she’ll giggle-laugh and say “oh this old thing!” ? Maybe she’ll even throw in a casual hair flip or hand wave. And she’s being all nonchalant and Beyoncé like “I woke up like this” and you KNOW she didn’t wake up like that and just throw something on. You know she spent hours in the bathroom grooming, buffing, scrubbing, tweezing, shaving and exfoliating. You know she spent hundreds of dollars at the gym, running and cycling and ab-crunching. You also know that she went to about 18 different boutiques to find “this old thing” that she “just threw on”. You just know. Unless you’re a dude, and then you probably don’t know. Believe me, this kind of charade is a thing.

Unless. Maybe she really did just wake up like that and throw on something old and still look amazing. Perhaps she’s distantly descended from the same ancestors as Gisele or Taylor and she was born with model thin legs, perfect skin and Michelle Obama arms. And she makes you question all that time and money you spent in the bathroom, at the gym and in all those boutiques.


This cake is like that. It feels fancy. It easily impresses others. You taste it, and you think WhoaThis took hours to make. Its dark and smooth. The chocolate melts in your mouth like fudge, but without being overpoweringly sweet. It’s decadent. It’s fancy enough for a wedding, but it’s not so fancy that you can’t serve it for a birthday or a book club.

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how to make pie crust


Make your own pie crust. Just do it.

butter, chopped

Homemade pie crust is one of those things that make people feel fancy. Decadent. Spoiled. Because it is sold ready-made in grocery stores, it makes home bakers feel like it is somehow out of their reach. “That’s too serious for me, I’m not a serious baker.” you might think. Or, “That has to be difficult. I’ve got enough difficult things in my life, thank you very much.”

Wrong! Homemade pie crust is not too serious for you, and it is not difficult! You can do it! Think Rosie the Riveter.

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